Purchase Guarantee

What Guarantee Do You Offer?
FairDolls works hard to make sure you get the best possible sex doll available. We visually inspect every single doll from head to toe before we give our approval for her to come home to you. She doesn't leave until she's passed. Our diligence on inspection for quality and accuracy before she leaves the factory cuts mistakes and defects to nearly zero. Plus we can ensure little things that you may have specially requested are taken care of to your specifications.

We place great importance on the high-quality and expert craftsmanship of our love dolls. We intend for them to stimulate your mind and body and provide you with pleasure and companionship for years to come.

Why do we go to all this trouble? Because we have really high standards and will settle for nothing but the best for you! You are our valued customer, and we do everything possible to ensure your doll, as well as your entire experience with FairDolls, exceeds your expectations.
We think if our love dolls measure up to our highest standards then they will measure up to yours too. We won't sell a doll we are not proud.

Does the guarantee include the make-up?
We provide custom semi-permanent makeup so that our customers could receive their doll looking as close to the photographs as possible, right out of the box. The make-up is done free of charge and provided as a courtesy for our customers.

Every effort is made by our make-up artists to re-create the make-up done by the photographer during the photo session. However, it is not guaranteed to match 100%. You will most likely be very happy with your dolls make-up, but in the rare event that you don't like it you can simply remove it with mineral oil (being very careful to avoid eyebrows) and are free to re-apply make-up to your own personal preference.

What is not covered by the Guarantee and why?
  • Minor skin imperfections - Small imperfections on your doll's skin can sometimes occur during the mold injection and un-molding process. These will generally be inconspicuous, and we like to think of them more as unique 'birthmarks'.
  • Loose fingernails - Finger and toenails are something else that we carefully inspect during our approval inspection to make sure they are glued well and cleanly. However, nails can become loose. If a nail does become loose or falls off, please use lash and nail glue to re-attach it.
  • Loose eyelashes - Your doll is shipped with a protective eye mask to protect her delicate eyelashes. If an eyelash does come loose, please use lash & nail glue to reattach it.
  • Suspicious damages - If she has sustained damages that are deemed questionable and suspected to have been user inflicted, that's on you.
  • Negligence - If your doll sustains damage due to mishandling or lack of care, that's on you, and we'll advise you on how to fix it.
  • Aesthetic differences of the semi-permanent make-up.
Have more questions? We can help!

Feel free to reach out to us at any time! We love to talk to you!

Our full-time Customer Care Department is comprised of super friendly people who also love doll enthusiasts and owners. They've been where you are, know our dolls inside and out and can answer any questions you may have. All questions, comments and even complaints are welcome!

Customer Care is available via our easy Contact Form, via email at support@fairdolls.com and through Live Chat located in the lower left corner of your screen, during regular business hours.

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